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Sound meditations

Sound meditations, or sound baths, offer a captivating journey into relaxation and inner balance. Through the resonance of various healing instruments, these sessions target different aspects of your being – body, emotions and mind – creating a harmonious and serene experience.

The soothing sounds facilitate the processing of emotions, clearing blockages and alleviating stress leaving you feeling refreshed and deeply connected to your inner peace.

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Nature meditations

Lecarrow Nature Meditations offer peaceful steps into the heart of nature allowing you to forge a profound connection with your inner self and the natural world that surrounds us.  As we inhale the very essence of our environment, we exhale our own presence, In Harmony with ourselves and with nature. 

This is the essence of unity - recognizing that we are not separate entities from nature but an integral part of it. We are indivisible, intricately connected and mutually dependent.

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Breath Awareness Meditation

The practice of 'Anapanasati,' or awareness of the breath, is a simple yet profound form of meditation with roots in the teachings of Gautama Buddha. It serves as a timeless anchor of attention, reminding us to stay present by focusing on our breath. In moments of distraction, it gently guides us back to the rhythm of our own breath, teaching us the art of mindfulness.

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Tailored Group Meditations

Lecarrow offers a unique and personalized approach to group meditations.  We work closely with your group and design a programme based on your needs. We offer a variation of sound meditations, breath awareness meditaions, body-mind awareness, nature meditations amongst many other options.

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Meditation Retreats

Discover the tranquil oasis of Life In Harmony

Lecarrow specialises in hosting meditation retreats around the country.  Our retreats create a safe, nurturing and transformative space allowing you to discover the true essence of being In Harmony; body, mind and spirit.

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Private sessions

Experience serenity and peace through our private sessions.

These intimate sessions are tailored for one to four individuals, ensuring a deeper connection to your inner self and healing.

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