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John Gerard Murphy

I am a dedicated practitioner and facilitator in meditation and well-being and facilitate all our Meditation and In Harmony programmes. I hold a degree in Economics and Finance from University College Dublin, a Postgraduate from Trinity College Dublin in Workplace Wellness specialising in Nature based interventions and meditation, I am certified in Integral Sound Healing and have a QQI L6 Trainer Qualification.

About John Gerard

Personal journey
Having worked for a number of years in the areas of business and media, gaining a lot of experience and enjoying the material benefits and freedom that earning an income can bring, I always felt an imbalance or that there was something missing in life. Meditation and wellbeing have always been a passion of mine and I embarked on a journey of self-discovery. I have been practicing, training and teaching in various meditation techniques since 2011 with emphasis on Advaita Vedanta (non duality - one with nature) and many other meditative practices.

Nature’s wisdom
Nature too had a particular pull for me, and I found myself spending more time in the presence of nature and studied a number of regenerative, organic and natural farming techniques. Nature smiles sweetly but pushes hard. It was there, I discovered that she has a remarkable ability to both provoke and quieten the mind, challenge and help remove the fears and ultimately to create a sense of harmony within me. And so, I made the ultimate decision to leave a career in business which had good prospects and to focus full time residing on and managing the farm while giving wellbeing classes, retreats and workshops, writing articles for a number of journals and publications.

Sharing the path to fulfillment
I enjoy sharing my knowledge, my experience, my skills so that you too will find the path to feeling in harmony and fulfillment. I have developed the 'In Harmony Programmes', carefully designed to help participants and groups discover the true sense of being In Harmony with body and mind, with each other and align with our nature.

Tara Eastwood Lyons

My background is in law and prior to moving to the West of Ireland I was working as a solicitor and insurance specialist. When lockdown hit I decided to pursue other interests and  carried out a professional certificate in plant based cooking, including a module on fermentation. During this time I developed our own naturally fermented apple cider vinegar infused with herbs from the farm which is available to buy from our website.

About Tara

I have a particular interest in food and herbs and the role of plant and herbal remedies for ourselves and in particular for our animals here on the farm. We use a combination of herbal remedies, essential oils and homeopathy for treating the animals here and I am currently carrying out a foundation level homeopathy course for the treatment of animals.

I have also recently been experimenting with various ways in which we can use the wool from our sheep once they have been shorn, including felting and spinning. I hope to be able to offer a number of wool products for sale from our wooly friends soon!

The farm

Our farm is a working farm that’s nestled in the serene landscapes of the West of Ireland and holds a rich tapestry of history and nature.  We are an organic, regenerative farm and our focus is on the enrichment of biodiversity and the restoration of natural habitats as part of our efforts in a life In Harmony with nature. 

Our farm is not just a place but a sanctuary for both the soul, the land and the animals that live here.  We rear a flock of sheep for wool as we believe wool is one of the most precious materials that nature provides and soon we hope to introduce organic handmade wool products from the farm.  We also have horses who offer such vitality and comforting energy to us and the farm.  Our self-sufficient vegetable and herb garden which provides us with year round fresh produce.  We are also blessed with an abundance of wild berries and herbs growing in the hedgerows which we use to infuse our vinegars with.

The farm truly serves as a wellspring of inspiration for all products, our meditations and the programmes we offer and has taught us many of the virtues of a life In Harmony.

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