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The practice of 'Anapanasati,' or awareness of the breath, is a simple yet profound form of meditation with roots in the teachings of Gautama Buddha. It serves as a timeless anchor of attention, reminding us to stay present by focusing on our breath. In moments of distraction, it gently guides us back to the rhythm of our own breath, teaching us the art of mindfulness.

Many of us unknowingly breathe shallowly or even hold our breath during times of tension. Learning to slow down and deepen our breath is a potent tool for reducing stress levels, allowing our heart rate and blood pressure to return to their natural, harmonious state thus preventing internal and mental diseases.

At Lecarrow, our breathing meditations explore various techniques designed to:

  • Cultivate a profound sense of ease and calm
  • Provide relief from the burdens of stress and anxiety
  • Bring harmony to the intricate relationship between body and mind
  • Enhance alertness, sharpen focus, and improve memory
  • Naturally lower heart rate and blood pressure - this reduces inflammation which is a central cause of many internal diseases

Try our breath awareness meditations

Whether you prefer individual guidance or seek the shared experience of a group meditation, our guided breathing sessions are here to support your journey.

If you're interested in a private session or wish to inquire about organizing a group breathing meditation, please feel free to complete the form below.

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